Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Coffee around the world

!9# Coffee around the world

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There are essentially two types of coffee beans used to be human, for making coffee, Arabica (Coffea arabica) and Robusta (Coffea robusta). Arabica are preferred by coffee connoisseurs, and they taste as to produce a better cup of coffee. About 75 percent of Arabica coffee in the world gathered.

The other 25 percent of the Robusta coffee is grown. Robusta beans are less popular because they have a slightly bitter taste. Theirare often used for instant coffee or blended with Arabica beans. The main reason why Robusta beans are grown at all, which are easier to grow and thrive in climates have a much wider range. Robusta beans are about twice the caffeine as Arabcia beans.

There are many different types of coffee, but few other species are used for making coffee, and are usually only grown for local use. They are rarely ever find in the supermarket or coffee.

More"Name" are Arabica gourmet coffee, because it has a popular flavor. There are many varieties of Arabica beans, each with its own distinct flavor and aroma, depending on climate, soil and local geography and everyone has their favorite gourmet coffee preparation.


A number of African countries produce coffee beans and coffee is a major cash crop for many poor nations. Ethiopia is the legendary source of all the cafes and a number of different varietiesgrew up there. Ethiopian coffee is known for its low acidity and a slightly spicy flavor. Tanzania Peaberry coffee is growing on trees known coffee, but the single grain "Peaberry" instead of the usual two beans.

South America

Columbia is a major exporter of coffee, and produces about ten per cent of the world's Arabica beans. Juan Valdez, a fictional character, is a familiar symbol of Colombian coffee growers and the national federation of coffee growers propertyof Columbia. Costa Rica produces less coffee in Colombia, but is known for a series of high-quality gourmet beans. Costa Rica is the cold coffee with a light taste of citrus fruit or berries and a hint of spice. Brazil is also one of the leading world exporters of Arabica coffee and Brazilians are known for their low acidity, light and delicate flavor known.


The island of Java, produces coffee beans that have a full body and flavors of earth, although this can vary. Sumatra is also known for its specialty coffeesusually low in acidity, with an earthy taste. Vietnam should be known as a producer of coffee. Almost all the coffee produced in Vietnam, the Robusta variety, less popular through the air, but Robusta beans are produced in large amounts and blend with Arabica beans from around the world.

Tropical Islands

Any discussion of gourmet coffee and coffee Hawaii has Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Both are in very limited areas on the sides of the adultMountains and volcanoes. They are regarded as some of the best coffees are grown, and are quite expensive because of the limited areas that can be collected.

Coffee around the world

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